My Thoughts

This is not a book review site - it started that way, I conceptualise this blog that way but I found that I can't separate my feelings from my writings. I can't be objective about a book.

Reading has been my main hobby cultivated for almost 4 decades. I read for pleasure and experience. This blog is where I pour my thoughts and feelings in that experience.

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Iphone Applications that I frequently use, which also means my favourite.
1. Camera – I only have the free version. Still hanging on tight to my $2.99 for the night camera
2. Todo List – I added this a week ago and it’s very handy
3. Notes – used for my shopping list and important reminders
4. Commbank – handy for when I go shopping and thought that I might be spending more than what I have
5. Facebook – well, connecting to my friends
6. Stanza – I love the free ebooks they offer
7. Coloring – this one is for my half-man
8. Footytips – for the footy competition in the office
9. Translink – to check why my train is late or if it will be late
10. Toy Story 3 – my half man loves this
11. Safari – I haven’t added google yet so just using the default explorer
12. Calculator – well, crunching numbers
13. Weather – a quick check if I have to take my umbrella or what to wear


Unknown said...

I have yet to step into the world of iphones. Soon...maybe lol
Happy T13!