My Thoughts

This is not a book review site - it started that way, I conceptualise this blog that way but I found that I can't separate my feelings from my writings. I can't be objective about a book.

Reading has been my main hobby cultivated for almost 4 decades. I read for pleasure and experience. This blog is where I pour my thoughts and feelings in that experience.

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Okay, so the start is a bit vague.  I have not been to Georgia so I wouldn't know about the weather.  And I am not clear why the heroine was there.  Weird.  

It's a typical and dare I say common plot, the heroine is a city girl and the hero is living a hermet-like life but then he is really not.  He is getting away from something nasty from his previous life, which is bigger than the life of the heroine.  Get it?

A good short read.  I'd like to have read about the hero reconciling with his family.  A perfect HEA of course.

I'd give it 3 stars.