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by Kennedy Claire

Because the sequel was such a cliff-hanging and there are a couple of chapters of this book included, I have to buy so I can continue reading.  

It was well-written but a bit short.  Dev was quite an ass at first when Scarlett wanted to interview him. Scarlett is just being herself, madly inlove.. can't move-on self.  I suppose, because there was no proper closure anywhere in the book, I felt that I didn't have either.. so she's excuse for not doing so too.  Does that make sense?

There are lots of fill-in the gaps or blanks.  Maybe because I skipped some of the long narratives.

But there's HEA so it's okay.  I'd like to read more about them in the same book, I suppose.  

There are some intense emotions involved but only few of them makes me really feel for the characters.  Again some love scenes are present in this book.  


Unknown said...

Can u post the PDF pleaz