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This is not a book review site - it started that way, I conceptualise this blog that way but I found that I can't separate my feelings from my writings. I can't be objective about a book.

Reading has been my main hobby cultivated for almost 4 decades. I read for pleasure and experience. This blog is where I pour my thoughts and feelings in that experience.

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by Mallory Crowe

Another nice short read.  

I would love to have some of Sam's playboy billionaire side told -  I meant, you can't really say that he is a playboy because there was only one other girl in the story.  

Quickie again.  Not too much emotions involved.  I'd have more of the father and son sort of reconciliation.

Maybe, there is more to Sam and April's story in the other books in the series but I might not be able to find out.  Not prepared to pay for the others.

I read more than 5 books a week and I really can't say that this book stands out.