My Thoughts

This is not a book review site - it started that way, I conceptualise this blog that way but I found that I can't separate my feelings from my writings. I can't be objective about a book.

Reading has been my main hobby cultivated for almost 4 decades. I read for pleasure and experience. This blog is where I pour my thoughts and feelings in that experience.

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I discovered a new adult book accidentally one day and I never looked back.  I thought that I am more of an adult romance reader but after reading a few of new adults, the earlier genre just doesn't do much for me anymore.  Anyway, here's another new adult book that I read this week.  This is a freebie in itunes again.

It's your typical high-school romance per se but it has some twist to it.  Because the girl didn't end up with her bestfriend that she thought she loves soo much.  It is a cliche story but somehow it was relatable for me.  The naive girl and the popular guy but the guy is not an asshole.  The guy is actually lovable and mature.  I'd read more books like this.