My Thoughts

This is not a book review site - it started that way, I conceptualise this blog that way but I found that I can't separate my feelings from my writings. I can't be objective about a book.

Reading has been my main hobby cultivated for almost 4 decades. I read for pleasure and experience. This blog is where I pour my thoughts and feelings in that experience.

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I am somewhat in two places on this book.  I like the heroine as she's strong, feisty, independence (at least after she left Dave).  But at the same time, her being so independent and not sharing a lof of things that should be to Dave, irks me.  I reckon, if you have the guts to be independent, you should also be able to be able express what you feel.  I don't like secrets so maybe this explains how I feel about her.  She came around at the end, so all is good.

The hero was supposedly a lawyer and a rancher/farmer at the same time.  I didn't read a lot of him being a farmer - and he was thrown off the horse, what's the deal with that?  But I like that he knows what he wants and he went after it.  Has integrity and moral.  What can you ask for.  Plus, he loves Matty always.  

I like that there are not many flashbacks about the past - what happened in the 6 years that they were apart.  No discussion of previous partners.  

I presume that their story will be included in other books in the series as I feel there should be more.  But I got the book from ibooks for free and I am not sure at this stage if I am going to buy the other books.